Biography of comic strip artists draw blindfolded

Biography of comic strip artists draw blindfolded1

In , Life magazine decided to find out by challenging 10 contemporary comic strip artists to do just that – draw their characters with their eyes closed. The results, needless to say, are hilarious.

Ten Comic Strip Artists In The 40s Were Asked To Draw Their ..., carousel

There's a great page floating around of Life Magazine in , puting 10 famous comic strip artists to the test, having them draw their characters blindfolded. It's true that after drawing the characters all day, every day, it does seem like you get to know them so well you could draw them blindf.

Biography of comic strip artists draw blindfolded5

  • However, we found the truth of this matter; in nineteen forty-seven, Life magazine decided to test this theory by inviting some of the best comic strip artists of the time to come and do the blindfolded comic book character drawing challenge.
  • biography of comic strip artists draw blindfolded
  • Ten Comic Strip Artists In The 40s Were Asked To Draw Their ...

    Back in , LIFE Magazine asked ten contemporary comic strip artists to draw their famous characters for them. The catch? They had to do it blindfolded!.

    Ten famous comic strip artists draw their characters blindfolded

      In LIFE magazine asked their comic strip artists to draw their favorite, famous characters. That seems like a fairly simple request, doesn’t it? Those artists drew comics for a living, how hard could that have been? Well, here is the twist: they had to draw with their eyes bound by a blindfold!.
  • Biography of comic strip artists draw blindfolded5

  • biography of comic strip artists draw blindfolded4 In , LIFE Mag­a­zine asked some of the most famous car­toon­ists around to draw their com­ic strip char­ac­ters blind­fold­ed. The results are fas­ci­nat­ing, look­ing a bit like the out­come of a clin­i­cal test on artists before and after tak­ing illic­it sub­stances.
  • biography of comic strip artists draw blindfolded2 Back in , LIFE Magazine asked ten famous cartoonists to draw their characters while wearing a blindfold. How did they do? Here are the results. Dixie.
  • biography of comic strip artists draw blindfolded3 LIFE magazine tested ten skilled comic strip artists back in by having each of them draw their famed characters while blindfolded. LIFE featured the interesting results in their February issue of the monthly publication.
  • Biography of comic strip artists draw blindfolded figures
  • Biography of comic strip artists draw blindfolded lines
  • Biography of comic strip artists draw blindfolded ideas
  • Biography of comic strip artists draw blindfolded art

  • Biography of comic strip artists draw blindfolded Dixie Dugan, Steve Canyon, Dagwood, Skeezix, and Andy Gump can be found caricatured just down below.
    Biography of comic strip artists draw blindfolded characters In 1947, Life magazine decided to find out by challenging 10 contemporary comic strip artists to do just that – draw their characters with their eyes closed.
    Famous comic strip artists Back in 1947, LIFE Magazine asked ten contemporary comic strip artists to draw their famous characters for them.
    Biography of comic strip artists draw blindfolded people In 1947 LIFE Magazine Asked Some Comic Strip Artists to Draw Their Famous Characters Blindfolded.

      In 1947 LIFE Magazine Asked Some Comic Strip Artists to Draw ...

    A comic strip artist will end up drawing the same characters so many thousands of times, that you’d figure they could draw them with their eyes closed. But could they really? In , Life magazine decided to find out by challenging 10 contemporary comic strip artists to do just that – draw their characters with their eyes closed.

    10 Comic Strip Artists Draw Their Characters Blindfolded in 1947

    Well, that was the very task set by Life magazine in to ten well-known comic strip artists, who were asked to draw their instantly recognizable cartoon characters blindfolded. As comic strip artists create their characters with a few well chosen marks of pen on paper, it was believed these artists, having drawn hundreds of cartoon strips.

    Life Magazine's 1947 Challenge to Comic Strip Artists: Draw ...

    Sep 24, - In , Life magazine challenged some of the top comic strip artists of the day to draw their iconic characters while blindfolded. It seemed reasonable that the artists, having drawn their characters so many times, might have established total muscle memory for the task. While the results were said to be far under the.
      These awesome comic strip artists where challenged by Life magazine in 1947 to draw their characters with their eyes closed.
      In 1947 Life Magazine asked some famous comic strip artists to to draw their famous characters while wearing a blindfold.
      Ten well-known comic strip artists, who were asked to draw their instantly recognizable cartoon characters blindfolded.